Various design boards I designed for title sequences during my time at Momoco in 2015.

5 USA ident
Early concept for the rebrand of the crime-drama channel, 5USA. Watch the final piece here.

The Halcyon, TV series - 2017
Pitch board for the TV show, The Halcyon, a British war drama set in a five star hotel in London during the 1940s.

National Geographic
Various images I created for National Geographic (pitch).

Second Chance (Lookinglass), TV series - 2016
Frames I designed for the title intro (few seconds) of the American TV show, Second Chance (named Lookinglass at the time we pitched). Watch the final piece here.

Taboo, TV series - 2017
Unused images I created for a pitch for Tom Hardy's show, Taboo.

Aliens, TV series - 2016
Pitch board for a British comedy.